
New Photos! Chanel Azure Nail Polish!

Chanel Nail Colour in 657 Azure

Okay I lied but this is the last post that I talk about Chanel! I picked this nail polish later after I was getting my Dior Summer 2013 goodies (which will I will post about next!)

After falling in love with Bel Argus I had to pick up Azure because these nail polishes are a must have in any nail polish hoarder! I have not worn this polish yet but when I do I will have a nail of the day post on it!


  This color as opposed to Bel Argus as more of a blueish green undertone. It reminds me of peacock feathers how the colors are so vibrant but change in the light.


Overall just of the bottle, I can tell this nail polish will be beautiful on my nails and I have to say that this is also a must have for you ladies that have a nice tan or are just naturally more bronzed..(ugh I just burn) which  actually I gotta pick up some self tanner! WOO!

Where can you get this product: At any Chanel counter or
Cost: $27
Overall Grade: A

Hope you enjoyed this post! Stay tuned for Dior! :)



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